Turning ideas into projects is difficult.
Read a full sample below with Patrick McKenzie of BingoCardCreator, and then download the full ebook free! We asked 39 successful entrepreneurs tough questions on how they went from their idea to a successful side project.

SideProjectBook.com Presents...
An eBook by Laksman Veeravagu
What you'll get out of Reading:
- 39 in-depth interviews with project makers featuring 2 NEW interviews in v1.5!
- Never before released numbers, art work, and growth charts
- Traffic, profit, and other behind-the-scenes metrics
- How they came up with their idea
- How they found that first customer...
- ... and how they found the next thousand
- Tactical advice on development, pricing, marketing, sales, SEO, and more
- 182 page book .PDF
Everyone should have a side project, read this book - if you don’t have one it will pound it into you.
People tell me that they're waiting for the perfect idea, but take a look at the 39 businesses featured here. Read More None of them screams "perfect idea" -- they're all ordinary ideas created by regular people who executed on them successfully. Get inspired by the stories, pick up any of the numerous solid-gold nuggets of tactical advice, then *ship something*. Less
Get this book and start learning from real-world examples.
What You'll Learn
How successful project creators turned their passions into a source of passive income.
How one app developer sky-rocketed his project to a top 10 app in the iPhone App Store.
What being featured by Apple did to one developer's sales
Turning a shoe-string budget web site into a $50,000/year income producing project.
Going from indie Mac Developer to being featured in a top blog and driving thousands of downloads all over the web.
Building an iPhone app with no coding experience, and being featured on Oprah, Mashable, and Good Morning America.
- ...And many more stories from the projects below.
The Projects
iPhone & Android
Browser Based
Mac Apps
Regular Edition

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Excerpt from HackerNode Interview:
What was your big differentiator? The main thing that differentiates HackerNode from other hacker news reader apps is good UX. I have spent a lot of time to make sure the interface is smooth and intuitive. For example on the iPad you will notice that the cascading animations are very smooth and realistic. I have spent a lot of time getting this right.
Excerpt from Domai.nr Interview:
How did you know this would be a worthy project, and how did you get started? Well once [name] joined us we had enough manpower to actually build it out, and it was our best idea that a) we continually used ourselves [thanks to the original JavaScript prototype], and b) could generate revenue via affiliate relationships. It followed the principle of building something for yourself and see if anybody else has that same need. And then see if it can earn money.” We knew we needed some time away from our daily routines to focus on it, so we rented a house up in Mendocino for a week with the goal of finishing it. During that week [name] built out the backend, [name] redesigned the frontend, and I did everything else — gathering and normalizing the data via Mechanical Turk, testing, affiliate setups, etc. We launched it the last night we were there.
Excerpt from Monster coloring Book Interview:
What happened next? Because we had invested so much time in the creation of Monster Coloring Book (2.5 people at 50 hrs/week for six months with zero outside funding) we were hoping for a strong launch. That didn’t happen instantly, but within a week of launch we had been picked up in a couple of key social media hotspots (HN for one..) and we started to receive some accolades...
Excerpt from Bingo Card Creator Interview:
What technologies are you using now? As I grew in programming ability, the BCC marketing site transitioned from a static HTML site to a Ruby on Rails application, largely because this allowed me to conveniently publish large amounts of bingo-related content. (I have 942 or so individual bingo activities, with the intent of ranking for any activity a subject could possibly want to teach a lesson about using bingo.